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Sunday, June 07, 1998

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Norio Hayakawa addresses the first People's Rally on Saturday near Groom Lake. The rally drew about 150 people interested in the classified Air Force military facility, also known as Area 51, near Rachel.
Photo by Ralph Fountain.

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RACHEL -- For the 150 people gathered at sunrise Saturday near one of the most talked about classified military facilities in the world, "Area 51" is home not to alien UFOs but to a good old American conspiracy.
      The alien-UFO story, most of them now say, is government-concocted propaganda designed to throw people off the real story behind Groom Lake, as the military prefers to call Area 51.

Las Vegas mayor, Gore running mates for a day

WASHINGTON -- Las Vegas Mayor Jan Jones as running mate to Al Gore? Well, she was on this day.
      "It felt great," Jones said as she completed a 5-kilometer race Saturday through the streets of the nation's capital to raise money for breast cancer research. The mayor, who is recovering from breast cancer, ran alongside the vice president and Tipper Gore the entire race.
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